Thursday, August 20, 2015

Fermented Cassava and Purple Potato Sweet Chiffon

It's nice to bake on weekend.
So...I decide to baking Chiffon Cake with Fermented Cassava and Purple Potato Sweet as an addictive ingredients.
Here they are....
"Cassava is the third largest source of food carbohydrates in the tropics, after rice and maize. Cassava is a major staple food in the developing world, providing a basic diet for over half a billion people. It is one of the most drought-tolerant crops, capable of growing on marginal soils (source from wikipedia)"

Fermented Cassava, in my country we called it 'tape singkong' is a one of the many creation from cassava. With soft texture and sweet taste it can be make a great taste if we combine with cheese and coconut milk.
Here the recipe :
A :
6 eggs yolk
200 grams fermented cassava, mixture until soft
80 ml coconut milk
80 ml vegetable oil
1/2 tbs salt
120 grams all purpose flour
Mix all ingredients until mixture and soft.

B :
6 eggs white
120 grams white sugar
Whipped until soft peak.

Additional ingredient : 50 grams chedar cheese, choped

Mixing A and B ingredients until blended with spatula and fill it on chiffon brass and springkle with grater/chopped chedar cheese. Bake 60 min with 160 C.

Here is brass of chiffon cake (picture source :
Image result for cetakan chiffon cake 

With soft texture and sweet taste it makes perfect combination with hot coffee/expresso...

And now....we can talk about purple sweet potato:
"Its large, starchy, sweet-tasting, tuberous roots are a root vegetable. The young leaves and shoots are sometimes eaten as greens. Ipomoea batatas is native to the tropical regions in America. Of the approximately 50 genera and more than 1,000 species of Convolvulaceae, I. batatas is the only crop plant of major importance—some others are used locally, but many are poisonous.(source from : wikipedia)"
Yes....we have one of a lot beautifull ingredients here. Without colour additive, we can find a faboulus colour to our cake's.

Here the recipe : 
A :
6 eggs yolk
200 grams purple sweet potato, steam until cooked and blended
80 ml coconut milk
80 ml vegetable oil
1/2 tbs salt
140 grams all purpose flour
Mix all ingredients until mixture and soft.

B :
6 eggs white
120 grams white sugar
Whipped until soft peak.

Additional ingredient : 50 grams chedar cheese, choped

Mixing A and B ingredients until blended with spatula and fill it on chiffon brass and springkle with grater/chopped chedar cheese. Bake 60 min with 160 C.

Look at the's faboulus and yummy (course......)
Enjoy it....


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