Friday, September 18, 2015

Rawon/ Beef Black Nuts Soup

Rawon means black beef soup.  The black colour originated from keluak or black nuts.   
I find description rawon from wikipedia : 
'Rawon  is a strong rich tasting traditional Indonesian beef black soup. Originally from Surabaya in Indonesia Privince of East Java. It uses black nuts/keluak (Pangeum edule, fruits of kepayang/keluak tree) as the main spice which gives the strong nutty flavor and dark color to the soup'.
Rich taste and fresh makes rawon spread to the other city of Indonesia and keluak as a star from this soup.

What is keluak/keluwak ?
Pangium edule (Indonesian: keluak/keluak/pucung) is a tall tree native to the mangrove swamps of Southeast Asia (Indonesia, Malaysia and Papua New Guinea). It produces a large poisonous fruit (the "football fruit") which can be made edible by fermentation.
The fresh fruit and seeds contain hydrogen cyanide and are deadly poisonous if consumed without prior preparation. The seeds are first boiled and then buried in ash, banana leaves and earth for forty days, during which time, they turn from a creamy white colour to dark brown or black. The method relies on the fact that the hydrogen cyanide released by the boiling and fermentation is water-soluble and easily washed out. (source :

Image result for keluak in english 

Can you imagine it? from poisonous black nuts, we need 14 days before can feel the amazing taste in our mouth.....

And here the recipe : 
750 grams beef, cut square (litle)
2.000 ml water
5 purut leaves
2 stalks lemongrass
2 cm galangal
2 salam leaves
2 tbs leek
1 tsp chilli pepper
Salt and sugar for taste
2 tbs vegetable oil
Condiment : 
Cayenne pepper/ cabe rawit ; baby bean sprouts
Seasoning (crushed):
12 cloves shallots
4 cloves garlic
6 pcs black nuts, softed with warm water
3 cm turmeric
6 pcs candle nuts
Cooking methode:
1. Boiling beef with water until soft. Just measured the stock for 1.300 ml .
2. Saute crushed seasoning until browning and add all other ingredients . Mix until mixture
3. Cook until stock boiled. 
4. Serve with condiment and rice/ketupat 


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