Monday, November 16, 2015

Ketupat Sayur / Steam rice cake with vegetable

Steam rice cake (= ketupat/lontong, bahasa)'s my favourite food on Lebaran .
In my country, 'Lebaran' or Idul Fitri is   a big celebration because muslim as a most population here, We have unique tradition as a Lebaran like a 'mudik' . Mudik is the same with going home, Indonesia have a many island/archipelago country and more a half population imigrate from his/her home town to other city. So Lebaran, they were have tradition to gathering with all family on home town. As usually, they have tradition to make some special food for celebrate. That's why we can find unique food on Lebaran.

And now....we can talk about our family dish.
Our tradition special end of ramadhan is dinner together with all family. And one of special dish are 'Ketupat Sayur' . This is a special for us because the dish only exist on Lebaran.
But now we can find it in many restaurant and stall on streed food.

Here is the recipe, we have 3 part of the dish Chayote soup (as a vegetable), braised chiken with coconut milk  and steam rice cake with condiment crispy onion .

Steam Rice Cake

10 pcs ketupat moulding (from coconut leaves)
400 grams rice, soak for 30 min

How do : Fill rice to coconut moulding until 3/4 and then boiled for 2 hours.  Dried with hang it .

Braised Chiken with Coconut Milk

10 pcs chicken (like wing or breast)
500 ml coconut milk
2 pcs lemmon grass
2 salam leaves
2 cm galangal
800 ml water
1 tbs vegetable oil

Mix and make a puree :
10 grams coriander
5 clove garlic
5 clove shallots
3 turmeric
3 grams fresh turmeric
1/2 tsp cumin
1/2 nutmeg
a pinch of salt and sugar

How Do:
1. Sauted the puree until mixture and alittle brown, an fill salam leaves, lemon grass and galangal. Add chiken and mix until chicken pale.
2. Fill water and cook until chicken done.
3. Add coconut milk and mix until boiled.

Chayote Soup with coconut milk

1 chayote, cut like a match stik and wash
5 pcs yardlong bean, cut
1 tbs vegetable oil
200 ml coconut milk
500 ml water
3 clove garlic, puree
8 clove shallot, puree
5 pcs red chilli , puree
1/2 tsp coriander powder
Sugar and salt

How Do :
1. Sauted all puree and coriander until mix and fill water.
2. Boiled and add yardlong bean and chayote, fill sugar and salt. Cook until soft


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