Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Sweet Purple Potato's with coconut milk sauce

 Sweet purple potato's , one of many variant from sweet potato's. It has a beautiful colour and good taste .  The texture is soft after you steam it about 30 minutes and has a sweet and savory taste. It great to make something different with this ingredients.  And I would like to make some thing sweet and warm ...so I'll make it this.

Monday, November 23, 2015

Sweet banana's

Who's people doesn't like banana?
Maybe you or only me....hiks....yes...but true, I don't like banana as a fresh.  I only eats banana's when it cooks.

And here is one of many favourite dish with banana's as main ingredients.

I am using banana which saba banana, in Indonesia we call 'pisang kepok'. The texture is soft and have a sweetnest intens with a litle sour taste. Yummm........

Monday, November 16, 2015


Now... lets talk about ribs.
Ribs is a favourit part from beef , we can find many restaurant  using ribs as a main menu.  As a sample we can taste 'Coto Makasar' from South Sulawesi , it's a famous food in Indonesia. But now, I will go to east Java to taste ' Iga Penyet' it's meaning Ribs with belacan sauce and vegetable.

Ketupat Sayur / Steam rice cake with vegetable

Steam rice cake (= ketupat/lontong, bahasa)
Yeay.......it's my favourite food on Lebaran .
In my country, 'Lebaran' or Idul Fitri is   a big celebration because muslim as a most population here, We have unique tradition as a Lebaran like a 'mudik' . Mudik is the same with going home, Indonesia have a many island/archipelago country and more a half population imigrate from his/her home town to other city. So ....in Lebaran, they were have tradition to gathering with all family on home town. As usually, they have tradition to make some special food for celebrate. That's why we can find unique food on Lebaran.

And now....we can talk about our family dish.
Our tradition special end of ramadhan is dinner together with all family. And one of special dish are 'Ketupat Sayur' . This is a special for us because the dish only exist on Lebaran.
But now we can find it in many restaurant and stall on streed food.

Here is the recipe, we have 3 part of the dish Chayote soup (as a vegetable), braised chiken with coconut milk  and steam rice cake with condiment crispy onion .

Steam Rice Cake

10 pcs ketupat moulding (from coconut leaves)
400 grams rice, soak for 30 min

How do : Fill rice to coconut moulding until 3/4 and then boiled for 2 hours.  Dried with hang it .

Braised Chiken with Coconut Milk

10 pcs chicken (like wing or breast)
500 ml coconut milk
2 pcs lemmon grass
2 salam leaves
2 cm galangal
800 ml water
1 tbs vegetable oil

Mix and make a puree :
10 grams coriander
5 clove garlic
5 clove shallots
3 turmeric
3 grams fresh turmeric
1/2 tsp cumin
1/2 nutmeg
a pinch of salt and sugar

How Do:
1. Sauted the puree until mixture and alittle brown, an fill salam leaves, lemon grass and galangal. Add chiken and mix until chicken pale.
2. Fill water and cook until chicken done.
3. Add coconut milk and mix until boiled.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Yardlong beans saute

Yardlong beans it means 'kacang panjang' (=bahasa Indonesia).
Yardlong beans as unique vegetable , the taste its sweet and crunchy. You can see yardlong beans in many modern and traditional market.

Yardlong bean is a plant that is used as a vegetable or fresh vegetables. It grows by climbing or twining. Part of which is used as a vegetable or fresh fruit that is still young and fibers are still soft, yardlong beans is easily found in hot regions in Asia.  

Friday, September 18, 2015

Rawon/ Beef Black Nuts Soup

Rawon means black beef soup.  The black colour originated from keluak or black nuts.   
I find description rawon from wikipedia : 
'Rawon  is a strong rich tasting traditional Indonesian beef black soup. Originally from Surabaya in Indonesia Privince of East Java. It uses black nuts/keluak (Pangeum edule, fruits of kepayang/keluak tree) as the main spice which gives the strong nutty flavor and dark color to the soup'.
Rich taste and fresh makes rawon spread to the other city of Indonesia and keluak as a star from this soup.

Monday, September 14, 2015




Wikipedia says:
'In Indonesian the term semprong means "tube" or "roll", while sepit derived from jepit which means "clip". Both semprong and sepit are known as almost identical wafers, with the different only in its shape; the roll-shaped is called semprong, while the triangular-folded shape is called sepit. Both variants are called as sapit or sepit in Malaysia, regardless of its shape. Traditional kue semprong are hollow, the new variants however, might add fillings, such as Chocolate or cheese.

Semprong is one of many my favourite snacks, I feel smell of  sesame and coconut milk as a mixture with unique taste.  Many snacks store has a 2 or more varian of semprong and this is my favourite one.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Saute bean sprouts with chilli

That I feel it when the food will deserve on our table.  It's a very simple saute vetable that I really like to cook.   Main ingredient is a bean sprouts, in Indonesia we usually call 'tauge'.

'Sprouts is a vegetable that is a young plant that has just germinated and protected from light. The word itself is the uptake sprouts from the Hokkien dialect, Mandarin-his term is douya (豆芽) literally sprout beans, generally derived from green beans and is often served in the diet of East Asia. Fresh sprouts are very rich in vitamin E, and a menu which is highly recommended for consumption. By eating the sprouts, the body will be treated and prevented from deficiency of vitamin E (source : wikipedia.com)

Monday, September 7, 2015


Pahittt.....it's meaning bitter...

That's was always exist in my mind if I see peria.  Peria or Pare  is a tropical and subtropical vine of the family Cucurbitaceae, widely grown in Asia, Africa, and the Carribean for its edible fruit, which is extremely bitter. Its many varieties differ substantially in the shape and bitterness of the fruit (source : wikipedia.com).

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Tempeh Penyet

Tempeh  is a autentic and traditional soy product originally from Indonesia. It is made by a natural culturing and controlled fermentation process that binds soybeans into a cake form, similar to a very firm vegetarian burger patty. Tempeh is unique among major traditional soy foods in that it is the only one that did not originate from the Sinosphere cuisine.

"It originated in today's Indonesia, and is especially popular on the island of Java, where it is a staple source of protein. Like tofu, tempeh is made from soybeans, but it is a whole soybean product with different nutritional characteristics and textural qualities. Tempeh's fermentation process and its retention of the whole bean give it a higher content of protein, dietary fiber, and vitamins. It has a firm texture and an earthy flavor which becomes more pronounced as it ages.Because of its nutritional value, tempeh is used worldwide in vegetarian cuisine, where it is used as a meat analogue" (source : wikipedia)

It's many variant food wich tempeh as a main ingredients. Now we can see  food from tempeh as a main ingredients, it's so easy to cook an delicious.....

Tempeh Mendoan
Mendoan is meaning half cook or medium rare (like a beef steak cooked).
350 ml vegetable oil

Here the recipe :
1 bar tempeh, cut thin and widen

For coating : mix all ingredients until mixture
100 multi purpose flours
1 tsp coriander powder
1 tsp garlic powder
1/2 tsp salt
2 tsp leek, chopped
120 ml water

How do :
Fill tempeh to coating flour and stir fry until firm (not too gold coating).

Monday, August 24, 2015

Oncom Saute

Oncom  is one of the traditional  foods of West Java (Sundanese) cuisine, Indonesia. There are two kinds of oncom: red oncom and black oncom. Oncom is closely related to tempeh; both are foods fermented using nuts as a main ingredients.

Black Oncom made of peanut and Red oncom made oh soya beans. They are have in common on terms to production process  

 "Usually oncom is made from the by-products from the production of other foods -- soy bean tailings (okara) left from making tofu, peanut press cake left after the oil has been pressed out, cassava tailings when extracting the starch (pati singkong), coconut presscake remaining after oil has been pressed out or when coconut milk has been produced. Since oncom production uses by-products to make food, it increases the economic efficiency of food production.
Red oncom reduces the cholesterol levels and suggesting effects in humans.
Black oncom is made by using Rhizopus oligosporus while red oncom is made by using Neurospora intermedia var. oncomensis.It is the only human food produced from Neurospora".
(source : wikipedia.com)

Now, let us use red oncom to cook.  Now I want to make some food with spicy taste, and I choose kemangi (basil leaves)  and green chilli as an additive to make my food more rich.

Thursday, August 20, 2015


Yummmyyy......... its nature come out from my mouth when I am looking  satay.  One of a lot my favourite food from my lovely country, Indonesia.
A lot of kind satay from Indonesia. You can find it with different taste and ingredients from 34 province here, as a sample : 
- satay from Kebumen, a small city in central Java; you can taste tempeh as a sauce with chiken satay
- from Madura, a small island on east Java; you can taste spicy nut souce with lamb satay
- from Padang, on west Sumatera; you can taste savoury sauce from rice powder and  herbs with beef satay
- from Banten, a small city on west Java; you can taste many herbs with milky fish satay 
Wow... so many kind of satay.

Now I want to gave you one of a lot kind satay , we can say it 'Satay Bumbu Kecap'  from West Java or Satay with sweet soybean sauce.

Fermented Cassava and Purple Potato Sweet Chiffon

It's nice to bake on weekend.
So...I decide to baking Chiffon Cake with Fermented Cassava and Purple Potato Sweet as an addictive ingredients.
Here they are....
"Cassava is the third largest source of food carbohydrates in the tropics, after rice and maize. Cassava is a major staple food in the developing world, providing a basic diet for over half a billion people. It is one of the most drought-tolerant crops, capable of growing on marginal soils (source from wikipedia)"

Fermented Cassava, in my country we called it 'tape singkong' is a one of the many creation from cassava. With soft texture and sweet taste it can be make a great taste if we combine with cheese and coconut milk.
Here the recipe :
A :
6 eggs yolk
200 grams fermented cassava, mixture until soft
80 ml coconut milk
80 ml vegetable oil
1/2 tbs salt
120 grams all purpose flour
Mix all ingredients until mixture and soft.

B :
6 eggs white
120 grams white sugar
Whipped until soft peak.

Additional ingredient : 50 grams chedar cheese, choped

Mixing A and B ingredients until blended with spatula and fill it on chiffon brass and springkle with grater/chopped chedar cheese. Bake 60 min with 160 C.